RHAPSODIES: Group Screening and Performances

Curated by Peggy Ahwesh

Saturday, July 15th


A mesmerizing blend of sound and visuals that harmonize with the city's vibrant energy. A show to enrapture the hot summer night of the city with sound and images that meld and blend and converse with the polyphony and visual drama of the street. The show is in honor of our dearly departed friend Barbara Ess and a way to honor the influence of this life long resident of downtown NYC. Works by Jeri Coppola, Les LeVeque, Jeanne Liotta, Jack Whitescarver, Leor Miller, and Peggy Ahwesh.

Les LeVeque's work uses algorithmic structures, condensation, expansion, reversal and mirroring pushing the boundaries of interfaces, in an ecstatic destruction of the the purveyors of the spectacle and the industries that work to control consciousness.

Jeanne Liotta’s body of work takes place at a profound intersection of art, science, and natural philosophy. It consists of films/videos, moving image installations, live projection performances and collages made from cultural ephemera.

Ask to describe his music in 3 words, Jack Whitescarver stated “sexy, pastoral, and clown” the magical blending of poetic drama and enigmatic connection. Find his work on Dots Per Inch and Soundcloud.

Leor Miller is a photographer, writer, and musician. Her work explores experiences at the edges of perception, where the structures we use to understand the world break down and we are thrust into the unknown. Find her music on Bandcamp.

Peggy Ahwesh is a long time member of the experimental underground. With playfulness and humor, she investigates cultural and gender identities, the role of the subject, language and representation.

Jeri Coppola has created a diverse body of work in photography, investigating the gap between the internal landscape of memory and the external one around us. In her words “Landscapes become metaphors for meditation and trigger the story into motion, confusing the border between real and imagined. Memory often distorts our images.


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