Paul Steven Ray & NYOBS

Make Music New York
The Annual City-Wide Solstice Music Festival

Wednesday, June 21st @ LPV


After a spectacular manifestation at the NYC AIDS Memorial NYOBS returns to their home venue Le Petit Versailles with more mind­ blowing inducements of tonal & aural synth­esthesia. Traversing extremes that produce hypnomanic swings of subliminal hyper awareness it’s a dreamy trip you’ll want to be on. NYOBS is Michael Cacciatore, Peter Cramer, John Michael Swartz and Jack Waters.


Paul Steven Ray presents At This Point In Your Trip, a sonic/poetic survey of individual to individual/individual to community microcosms for electric guitar, double bass, electronics, and video. A survey to be answered silently in the mind while immersed in the sound emanating from the speakers.  He will be joined by the dynamic experimental bassist Jeong Lim Yang and visual artist Sandy Pliego.


FILMS BY Todd Verow & Charles Lum


Music by Leopard Zeppard and Pete Sturman