
Photo: Rob Hugh Rosen

Ethan Shoshan

Technical Consultant and Board Advisory Member

Ethan is an artist, community activist, and non-profit computer a/v technical consultant committed to building communities and support around social justice, art and activism. Ethan has been helping with Allied Productions for years and has been a staff member since 2016. He sees art as a cathartic creative reimagining and a way to shed light on social injustices. He has worked as the creative director of Empirical Nonsense, an arts space based in the lower east side, and was previously the interim director of the Feature Hudson Foundation. Ethan has had solo exhibitions at Envoy Enterprises, Aljira, Commonwealth & Council, Center for Book Arts, Le Petit Versailles and Gene Frankel Theater. His current body of work focuses on displacement, gentrification, and growing concerns of capitalism through his drawings of abandoned places and public signage. This work comes out of his dedication to housing justice, volunteering with Picture the Homeless and co-developed programs at Sylvia’s Place Emergency Shelter. He is the recipient of several grants/fellowships from Joan Mitchell Foundation, Open Society Foundation, NYFA, LMCC, and The Puffin Foundation. His work has been reviewed in The NY Times, Art In America, Brooklyn Rail, Artforum, ArtNEWS, Washington Post, LA Weekly, Huffington Post, among numerous other publications.